
Frameworks for Change®: An Intuitive Tool for Inspired Decision-Making

What do you do when employees become stuck in ways of thinking and operating that are no longer effective? How do you help them to catalyze creative solutions? If we keep doing what we’ve always done, then we’re going to get what we’ve always had. How then do we do things differently to effect real change? This month, i-Fundi is excited to present a cutting edge approach for organisations to support innovation within the business environment.
The Frameworks for Change® Process is designed to jog us out of old patterns of thinking and discover new, creative solutions. Our seasoned guest speaker, Liz Laing, opens the space to enable choices from a fresh perspective that are authentic and aligned with internal values rather than from a place where we have learned to conform to organizational and societal expectations.
In an interactive workshop, Liz will guide participants through the Frameworks for Change® toolkit, tapping into inner wisdom and personal experiences to root out challenges, generate innovative solutions and open doorways to new possibilities for organisational development. Liz stimulates the exchange of ideas and insights and facilitates the learning process to develop a practical action plan to improve participants’ effectiveness both personally and professionally.


Programme Details

Date: 05 April 2019

Time: 10:00AM – 12:00PM

Venue: i-Fundi, First Floor, Regenesys Campus, 4 Pybus Road, Sandton

Cost: Free


Speaker Profile

Liz Laing has over 30 years experience in the IT industry, project management and management consulting. Liz is committed to her own personal and spiritual growth and development and recognizes the power of bringing the whole individual into the workplace. Liz is a skilled and accredited facilitator for the Frameworks of Change® Process with extensive experience in building teams. She sees herself as a catalyst for change and loves the quote from McDonald’s founder Ray Kroc who famously said: “When you’re green, you’re growing. When you’re ripe, you rot.”

Should you have any queries, please contact Sajila Sewnarain on 011 290 5900 or sajila@ifundi.co.za
