
Business Administration Skills Programme

Qualification details

  • Programme ID: 61959
  • NQF Level: 04
  • Number of credits: 63
  • Duration: 4 weeks

Our programme unlocks key insights into office administration and management, equipping you in a range of skills, including implementing management systems, storing confidential information, dealing with customers, managing office supplies, and much more.


Programme outline
Module 1: Time Management (15234)

Time Management is one of the most important self-management skills. Time is a scarce resource which cannot be replaced nor reversed. Time cannot be bought or sold, borrowed or stolen, stocked up or saved, manufactured, reproduced or modified. All we can do is make the best possible use of it! We also deal with a constant barrage of technology, people, and tasks that can contribute to that disorganization. Many people find that they flit from one task to another, trying to get everything done. You will learn how to make the most of your time by getting a grip on your workflow and office space, using your planner effectively, and delegating some of your work to other people.

Module 2: Building Workplace Relationships (244572; 7791)

Human beings are naturally social creatures – we crave friendship and positive interactions, just as we do food and water. So it makes sense that the better our relationships are at work, the happier and more productive we’re going to be. Good working relationships give us several other benefits: our work is more enjoyable when we have good relationships with those around us. Also, people are more likely to go along with changes that we want to implement, and we’re more innovative and creative. Good relationships are also often necessary if we hope to develop our careers. We also need good working relationships with others in our professional circle. Customers, suppliers and key stakeholders are all essential to our success. So, it’s important to build and maintain good relations with these people. In this module, you will learn how to build and maintain good workplace relationships and manage diversity.

Module 3: Ethics in the Workplace (10022)

Training in ethics helps the members of an organisation judge the moral legitimacy of their decisions, enabling them to apply moral principles and values in business decision-making. At the same time, ethics training fosters the employees’ agreement and compliance with the organisation’s ethical vision representing a mutually-acceptable balance between different stakeholders. Therefore, implementing ethics training does not only mean informing employees about choices made by the management of the company, but also putting each individual corporate member in a position to understand, interiorize and contribute to the corporate mission achievement through a conscious orientation of their own choices and everyday behaviour.

Module 4: Report Writing & Business Texts (12153; 110023)

Most business communication is indigestible. The main reason for this is that there are no globally agreed standards of clarity and readability: everyone’s doing their own thing, and the result is a mix of different styles, layouts and structures. This module aims to develop students’ skills to write clear, concise, and effective emails, memos, letters, minutes and proposals, using the appropriate register, tone, language structure and word choice. You will learn how to write business reports and other business texts in clear, unambiguous, plain language.

Module 5: Become an Effective Communicator (8974; 242840)

In this module we learn about effective oral communication. In other words how to speak and listen effectively interpersonal communication with your customers, colleagues, supervisors and managers.

Module 6: Designing & Implementing Administrative Procedures (110026; 110009; 13945)

This module helps in the understanding of the various administrative systems of an organization, how they are designed, how to best use them and to help others to implement these systems

Module 7: Contracting and Managing Service Providers [109999; 14522]

Organisations make use of external service providers to supply inputs (raw material, energy, subject matter expertise) into the business. Since these service providers can have a major impact on the organisation’s outputs (goods or services), it is important that service providers are carefully selected and managed. In this module, you will learn how service providers are identified, selected, contracted and managed.

Module 8: Budgeting (13941)

In this module, you will learn about budgeting within your own area of responsibility. We will look at the process of creating a budget and monitoring and controlling actual expenditure against a budget.

Module 9: Running Effective Meetings (9244)

Meetings are an important part of the world of work.  They are the place for people to discuss matters of common concern, share information, make plans, take decisions, solve problems and report back on tasks.  In your workplace, you will spend a lot of time participating in meetings. Depending on your job, you will be expected to organise and prepare for meetings, take notes in them and do the follow -up work after them.  So, you need to know how to make meetings as effective and useful as possible.
