
5 Trends Shaping the Future of Work

Does your organization have a vision for the future of work?

The way we work is changing, and changing rapidly. What future trends organisations pay attention to and how they adapt has become more important than ever.

Jacob Morgan, author of “The Future of Work”, identified 5 trends that will force organisations to change the way they think about how work gets done.

Here are the 5 trends he identified:

  1. Globalisation – The world is more connected than at any time in our history and will only become more so. Whether we are looking at location, languages, borders or cultures, we are no longer living in isolated communities within a predefined geographic location.
  1. Mobility – Where we work and how we work has changed. It is now about how we connect into work and how organisations adapt to this new mobility that no longer confines someone to an office or space.
  1. Millenials and changing demographics – By 2020, 50% of the workforce will be millennials, increasing to 75% by 2025. Organisations will need to work with a generation with new ideas, values and styles of working.
  1. Technology – Technology is pushing us more and more towards collaboration, automation, big data, robots and new ways of communicating.
  1. New behavior – How we work and live is being shaped to a large extent by changes in technology. Our lives are far more public. How we share information and how we communicate is very different to the world of even 5 years ago. Organisations will need to find ways to adapt.


It’s important that organisations prepare for these changes ahead and plan for the workplace of the future.
